Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Locked Out Quiz Answers latest updated 100% Score

 Locked Out Quiz Answers latest updated 100% Score

  • Using our correct answers, you can get a 100% score in the Locked Out Quiz Answers. Locked Out Quiz Show will comprise 10 questions. You must pass the quiz with a 100% score to receive your prize. This quiz is available on the BeQuizzed website, where players attempt to answer the questions to win rewards.

Quiz:1: Terry has had a frustrating day, to say the least. He had finally gotten home after a hard day at work, but he realized that he had lost his house keys at some point during the day! Can you help him find his keys?

Correct Answer: Continue

Quiz:2: Terry first went back to the park he visited this morning. While there, he realized that he had lost the key to his car. Can you spot it?


Correct Answer: C

Quiz:3: Terry visited the beach next. While searching for his house key, he accidentally dropped the keys at his office. Can you spot them?

Correct Answer: D

Quiz:4: Terry then was walking back to his car when he tripped and threw his key to the gym locker. Can you find it?

Correct Answer: B

Q5: Terry returned to his office to search for his house key. While there, he accidentally misplaced his office’s bathroom. Can you see it?

Correct Answer: A

Quiz:6: Terry had then walked into his office’s kitchen and realized that he had misplaced the closet key. Can you spot it?

Correct Answer: B

Quiz:7: While looking in the closet, Terry had dropped the key to his car again. Can you help him find it?

Correct Answer:D

Q8: Terry was getting hungry so he decided to stop at a restaurant. While eating, he had misplaced the keys to his suitcase. Can you look for it?

Correct Answer: B

Quiz:9: The last place terry visited was the gym. He thinks that he left his house key somewhere here. Can you look for it?

Correct Answer: C

Q10: Terry finally found all the keys he lost today! He can finally move past one of the worst days he’s ever had!

Correct Answer: Continue

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